


What are the rights of women in Islam? Islam establishes numerous rights for women. On a societal level, Islam affirms the rights of women to maintain their identities, property, and dignity throughout their lives. Even after marriage, a Muslim woman’s name remains her own; she is not obligated or expected to adopt her husband’s surname. If she […]

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What is Islamic spirituality? Spirituality in Islam focuses on purifying one’s inner being, and then on manifesting this positive inner change in daily life through ritual worship and ethical conduct.  Islam teaches that God has instilled in all people a predisposition towards having faith, enjoying a meaningful relationship with God, and living a life of doing good. This

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What is Sharia? Sharia is the set of Islamic laws that encompass both the religious and secular practices of Muslims. Often redundantly referred to as “Sharia law,” Sharia encompasses the legal dimensions of Muslim life. It is akin to halakhah (Jewish law). In fact, not only do Sharia and halakha play similar roles in Muslim

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Mental Health & Wellness

How does Islam nourish our emotional well-being? Islam provides a sense of purpose and emotional fulfillment through attachment to God. Spirituality and religiosity are also associated with better mental health and have been identified as essential aspects of preventing and treating mental illness. Islamic spirituality provides ultimate purpose and meaning to human life—two aspects central to human flourishing

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What is Ramadan? Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. A foundational pillar of practicing Islam is fasting during the month of Ramadan. This devotional act is observed by over a billion Muslims worldwide today. Fasting is a major act of worship, and it is a powerful means of cultivating God-consciousness in the heart and

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Shelter The Homeless

Introduction Homelessness or the risk of homelessness affects millions of people every year. Job loss, low wages, disability, substance abuse, family conflict, domestic violence and other factors contribute to the problem. While most people experiencing or facing homelessness are adults, particularly veterans, many of the homeless are families with children. Even though we can’t reach

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